Our logos help everyone know it’s us. There are a few to choose from—to offer some flexibility when used in your project. And, there are some guidelines to make sure we keep building awareness of our college brand.
Read on, friend.
Primary Logo
When in doubt, use this logo. It’s how people recognize us and unifies us as Valencia College.
We get it. It’s a lot of information to soak in. Reach out—that’s what we’re here for. It takes us all to maintain the brand our students know and love.
Alternate Logos
If you find yourself looking for options, we have several of them. Try to use the primary logo whenever possible, but here are some alternatives just in case.
When the Valencia College logo is used in another entity’s printed or digital materials, brand standards for colors, clear space and sizing must be adhered to.
Stacked Logo
Tight on space? Here’s an option when the primary logo just won’t fit—like some vertical pieces or online.
Logos with identifiers
Need a logo for your department, location or club/organization? You can find those here.
Sub-brand Logo
Use this when you’re identifying a specific unit—department, office or cluster. We’re all part of the Valencia College family.
Campus Logo
When creating communication pieces for a specific campus, this is what you’ll want to use.
Logo for Video
Animated Logo
If you’re creating a video, this logo makes for a great ending.
Special Use Logos
Valencia College Seal
Help us save this important, formal mark for special occasions like commencement, diplomas and formal communication from the college president.
Special Use Logos
Valencia College Foundation Logo
Keep this logo for foundation communications and marketing materials.
Retired Logos
You help the college move forward—help the brand evolve by leaving these retired logos behind.