Primary Logo
Chances are, this is the one you want. The Valencia College primary logo is our most-recognizable mark and should be used to represent the college whenever possible.
Key Points
We all play a key role in helping build a recognizable identity for Valencia College. Get the logo here to make sure we're all using the same version. Feel like you're taking a shot in the dark? That's why you've got us. We'll help shed some light on it for you. So get in touch—phone, email, telegram, however you like to connect—we've got your back.
We get it. It’s a lot of information to soak in. Reach out—that’s what we’re here for. It takes us all to maintain the brand our students know and love.
Primary Logo
Choose this logo first and foremost.
When the Valencia College logo is used in another entity’s printed or digital materials, brand standards for colors, clear space and sizing must be adhered to.
Primary Logo - Grayscale
Here’s another option when you’re on a budget, printing promo items like pens and notepads.

Color Palette
Those colors? Learn all about Valencia College Red and Yellow.Clear Space
Rope it off. Treat it like the VIP it is, and don’t let the others too close. Allowing some space around the Valencia College Primary Logo helps it stand out amongst copy, images and other logos. And we want it to stand out. At a minimum, allow room for two capital Es all the way around. This is, of course, in proportion to the size at which you use the logo.Twice the cap height of the “E”

Logo Sizing
Whoa there. Let’s make sure everyone can see it. We want them to know it’s us. And, some methods of printing may not allow the logo to look it’s best at small sizes. So keep it no smaller than 1-1/4” wide.Width measurement – from end to end


Steer Clear of Incorrect Use of the Logo
We all play in a role in protecting our brand—from logos that are typed out or stretched to different colors. Let’s use the approved artwork and stay away from the examples below.