Digital Asset Manager

Giving VC employees access to photos and more

Valencia College uses a Digital Asset Manager to store college-related photography, video, and some documents. This Asset Manager gives college employees easy SSO access to approved assets, such as photography related to a specific program, to be used for editorial and marketing purposes. Using a robust search tool, this platform is able to retrieve assets based on description. All assets are curated by the Marketing Department.

Getting Started

Check out this video for a quick overview on logging in, searching and more.


Our Knowledge Base includes Asset Manager access, training tutorials, FAQs and more.


Intuitive and easy-to-use


Many of our digital assets (images, videos, etc.) are centralized in the Asset Manager and accessible to VC employees. This platform features a number of useful functions, including:

  • Organized and searchable content library
  • AI-powered search
  • AI visual search
  • Collaboration and brand management tools
  • Content controls
  • Edit and optimize
  • Integrations
  • Publishing and sharing

Here are just a few things you'll find on the Asset Manager: 

  • Collections curated by Marketing Department
  • Degree and certificate program photos
  • Staff photographs
  • Event photos
  • Photos of students on campus (Lifestyle)
  • Purrcy the VC Puma

Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
Can I add assets to the Asset Manager? No. Only the Marketing Department can add assets. If you have assets you believe could be useful to other VC employees, please contact the Marketing Department.
What’s the difference between metadata and Nomad? Metadata searches by keywords, while Nomad (NoMetaData) search uses AI to find subject matter and content visually within a photo.
What are Collections? Curated by the Marketing Department, Collections are sets of assets that have been sorted into categories. This allows you to browse instead of search.
What can I use the assets for?

It depends on the type of asset.

  • Editorial: Event photos and other types of photography taken in public are typically used for editorial/news purposes only. Assets marked "Editorial" in the Asset Manager cannot be used for marketing purposes.
  • Marketing: Students, faculty and others who appear in Valencia College photographs have signed talent releases that may legally limit the use of the photography. You are welcome to use these assets for college-related purposes.
  • Architecture and more: Photos of buildings or of areas without people can be used for many purposes. Unless photos are being used for editorial purposes, any people appearing in the photos must be indistinguishable to avoid talent release issues.


Video Tutorials


An overview of the tools you'll need to download, share and more.

Menu Options

Reset your password, custom views and more.


How to search for assets and save your searches.

AI Search

Using the AI-powered search, Nomad, to find assets.


Save assets to your own collections for future use.


How to download and share assets found in the asset manager.


How to work with, and refine your search results.


Learn about the types of data you can use to search by.