Secondary Logo
Sometimes you need another option. Our secondary logo's a good alternative, depending on its background color and use. It can be reproduced in grayscale, black, white or Valencia College Red.
Key Points
We all play a key role in helping build a recognizable identity for Valencia College. Get the logo here to make sure it's in the right colors and size. Feel like you're taking a shot in the dark? That's why you've got us. We'll help shed some light on it for you. So get in touch—phone, email, telegram, however you like to connect—we've got your back.
Secondary Logo
Use this one if the primary logo can’t be used. Black or white backgrounds only, please.
We get it. It’s a lot of information to soak in. Reach out—that’s what we’re here for. It takes us all to maintain the brand our students know and love.
Secondary Logo - Reversed
Another secondary logo option for Valencia College Red backgrounds.

One Color Versions
Have a tight budget for promotional items? Use the one-color version to lower the cost of printing things like mugs, pens, notepads and more.
Secondary Logo - Black or White

Secondary Logo - Grayscale

Secondary Logo - Valencia Red

Here's an example of the white secondary logo on a promotional mug.

Color palette
Those colors? Learn all about Valencia College Red and Yellow.
Clear Space
Think of it like personal space. We don’t want strangers such as copy, images and other logos to get too close to our logo—it helps us stand out. And we want to stand out.
At a minimum, allow room for two capital Es all the way around. This is, of course, in proportion to the size at which you use the logo.
Twice the cap height of the “E”

Logo Sizing
Save the microscope for class. Our logo should be large enough to see with the naked eye. We want them to know it’s us. And to print great—even on a pencil. Let’s use the logo at 1-1/4” wide…but larger is always acceptable.
Width measurement – from end to end


Steer Clear of Incorrect Use of the Logo
When it comes to the logo, approved artwork is the way to go. Logos that have been typed out, stretched or drawn, including the examples below, create some confusion and legibility issues.
Don’t typeset the logo. The logo is a custom drawn graphic.

Don’t stretch or distort the logo.

Don’t tilt the logo on an angle.

Don’t change the color of the logo.

Don’t violate the clear space of the primary logo.

Don’t use metallic gold with black.

Don’t use a one-color or grayscale logo within a colored box.

Don’t use the logo within body copy.